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Tendrara Production Concession

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License Details


133.5 km2


Concession Agreement: Production

Effective date

September 2018


25 years

Resource Potential

Recoverable Resources of 377Bcf (2C)1 natural gas discovery (TE-5 Horst) in the Triassic TAGI gas reservoir


Operator with an effective interest of 75%

ONHYM holds the remaining 25% interest


1Certified by RPS Energy Consultants Limited

Permit Area

Located for access to Gazoduc Maghreb Europe ("GME") pipeline approximately 120 kilometers to the North. The 522 kilometres long Moroccan section is owned by the Moroccan State and operated by Metragaz. The pipeline connects Morocco to the Spanish/Portuguese gas grids.


Gas reservoir with flow rates significantly enhanced by application of proven mechanical stimulation techniques.

Future Developments

Potential capacity to meet gas demand in a phased manner with Phase I being the implementation of a micro LNG development scheme and Phase II being the development of a larger scale central processing facility ("CPF") and gas export pipeline